

GoldenCode is an independent one-man software company located in Kerpen / Germany. Our scope of operation includes the design and implementation of professional large scale corporate software solutions, mobile apps, game ports and game development. Feel free to contact us and let's help to realize your project! Our primary target platforms are • Windows • iOS • Android • AmigaOS (3.x, 4.x) Our preferred languages are • C / C++ • Objective-C • Java • HTML • PHP • JavaScript • 68k Assembler • SQL (various databases) Tools we use includeEmbarcadero C++ BuilderMicrosoft Visual Studio CodeMicrosoft Visual StudioApple XCodeGoogle Android StudioMaxon Cinema4DCorel PaintShop ProCorel VideoStudiocosmigo Pro Motion NGIgara Studio AsepriteGit Pricing Concrete prices depend on the respective project and prior negotiations. If working on a hourly basis and if no special pricing has been agreed on then our standard pricing applies: • 180,00 € + VAT per (partial) hour. • 70,00 € + VAT per (partial) 30 minutes of meeting (camera or phone). • If work on weekends, holidays or between 8:00pm and 6:00am is explicitly requested then the double rate is being charged for that period of time. • Initial contact and project negotiations are free of charge, of course. We care ... not just about the code quality we deliver. We respect your privacy and don't use cookies. Also, to not waste more precious resources than absolutely necessary, this webpage has been designed to be rather minimalistic for reduced traffic and energy consumption. Imprint Daniel Müßener / GoldenCode Am Langen Weiher 11 50170 Kerpen Germany E-Mail: EU VAT ID: DE205570456 Content responsibility: Daniel Müßener, see above


Our valued customers include:A-EON Technology Ltd.cologic GmbH & Co. KGCope-Comflabb-planung Consulting + Engineering GmbH & Co. KGKuchem Konferenz Technik GmbH & Co. KGNatureCard GmbHPerpetual FX CreativePixwerkPPP Pre Print Partner GmbH & CO. KGPromotion Software GmbHstandpunkt digital GmbH & Co. KG Games we ported and enhanced include:Battle Squadron ONE (Amiga, Android versions)Tower 57 (Amiga versions) Games we coded from ground up include:Ace Of HeartsGalactic Bowling iOSMindcrimes (Android, Inception PR)Rocket Racing LeagueVoxel BirdVoxelNoidWings Battlefield Games, applications and libraries we helped coding include:Emergency 5Descent: FreespaceMiniGLSanTrain


Here you can find our latest Amiga-related development info.


This is the first real Danmaku / bullet-hell game for unaccelerated stock Amiga 1200 and compatible machines. It features 304x256 PAL @ 50 fps, vertical and horizontal scrolling, 1p and 2p simultan mode, 100% flicker free bullets and enemies, tons of bullets of various types and complex bullet patterns. The game engine is fully done, now it's all about graphics and level / bullet pattern design; for now there are still many placeholders around. Follow the development progress on the dedicated Youtube playlist.

Souverän Soccer WIP

Souverän Soccer is Daytona675x's wip Super Formation Soccer (SNES) like game for unaccelerated stock Amiga 1200 and compatible machines. It features a 3D experience similar but actually far superior compared to that SNES Mode7 game: Smooth 50Hz, full PAL low-res screen, fine-textured grass with distance shading, up to more than 700 colors simultanously on screen, smoothly zoomed goals, players and spectators, etc. Follow the development progress on the dedicated Youtube playlist.

Taborized Games

With the release of the AmigaOne A1222 Tabor I'm fully "taborizing" all the games I coded or ported and enhanced. Even though I already adjusted some games for SPE, all of them still lacked audio, because back then there was no sound driver, so I didn't adjust the audio code for SPE but simply fully disabled sound for those games. But now, one by one, this issue is being corrected :-) To get an idea of the Tabor's performance when fed with native code, please follow the dedicated Youtube playlist. The respective executables will be put here for download. More to come! Note: you are not allowed to host or otherwise share those files! • Atomic Bomberman Remake SPEBattle Squadron SPETower57 SPEVoxelBird SPEVoxelNoid SPE Also, back in 2020 or so I fixed many bugs in MiniGL and also added an optional SPE bridge. The purpose of this was to have a MiniGL.library which does all of its transform-and-lighting calculations in native SPE code while at the same time being compatible to non-SPE applications (there's also a pure SPE build for native SPE applications). Here is a set of precompiled library binaries.

Atomic Bomberman Fan Remake

A blast from the past! Literally... Daytona675x, the best equipped man in code business, is proud to present his latest lucubration: the fantastic free Atomic Bomberman fan rewrite (original game CD required, of course) for all kinds of NG Amiga flavours. You may also want to take a look at the dedicated development Youtube playlist or the whole GoldenCode channel.

OCS-ify Palette script for Aseprite

If you ever needed to convert your Aseprite sprite palettes from 24bit to 12bit, here you go. Just extract and copy it into Aseprite's script folder, rescan and have fun.


Some of our Amiga work is "pro bono", which is why we happily accept your kind tip for those. Buy Me a Coffee at



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